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Businesses rely on a ton of technology for their operations and, as such, rely on support to help keep these tools working effectively. We would know! We proudly provide our neighbors with the technical assistance they need to succeed. As we’ve done so, we’ve noticed that there are some support needs we frequently attend to.
Let’s review some of them and why they are so vital for you to have assistance in managing, preferably, from us!
Imagine owning an elevator and only fixing it when it completely breaks down. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, that’s basically what businesses do when they rely on a break/fix IT strategy.
Break/fix IT is exactly what it sounds like, you don’t call in the experts until something goes wrong. On the surface, it might seem like a way to save money, but in reality, it’s a recipe for stress, lost revenue, and major headaches. Let’s talk about why this approach just doesn’t make sense anymore.
With technology being such a crucial element of many businesses and their operations, it only stands to reason that it ultimately pays to invest in and maintain it. That said, many businesses lack the resources in one way or another to properly manage their IT independently.
In these cases, it pays to outsource some or all of your IT support, and for various reasons. Let’s go over three of the major benefits to be had.
Technology is so ingrained in business that it’s nigh-impossible to operate without it. For this reason, cyberattacks on businesses are even more devastating, as they can halt operations and expose important data. Today, we want to highlight five common problems you might encounter with your cybersecurity.
Picture this: you or a team member encounters a technology issue in the middle of the workday. Simple, you might think… just call your in-house IT department. However, the members of your IT team are visibly overworked, scurrying around the office, trying to get some of the tasks off their to-do lists. They’re visibly running out of time, patience, or, most likely, both. It isn’t a good time to bother someone for help; that’s obvious, but what option is there?
Chances are that your business’ technology has gotten more complex in the past few years. This complexity has likely created some confusion on how best to manage your technology. Couple this with the more sophisticated threats that have been developed over that time, and there is a real risk to the welfare of your business coming from the technology you depend on daily. Today’s blog will discuss how increased complexity can be managed competently.
Our network audit will reveal hidden problems, security vulnerabilities, and other issues lurking on your network.
Learn more about what C3-Solutions can do for your business.
300 Kerby Hill Rd
Fort Washington, Maryland 20744