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C3-Solutions, LLC Blog

C3-Solutions, LLC has been serving the Fort Washington area since 2015, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are Your Employees Ready for Threats to Your IT?

Are Your Employees Ready for Threats to Your IT?

Cybersecurity is one of those things everyone in a workplace should know about, no matter their role. But here’s the problem—turns out, a lot of people don’t.

A recent survey in the UK found that about one in three adults flunked a cybersecurity test. And get this—the test was designed for 11-year-olds. Yikes.

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How to Keep Your Remote Work Secure from Any Location

How to Keep Your Remote Work Secure from Any Location

Working remotely has given employees flexibility and work-life balance, but it also presents businesses with unique challenges—for example, security. When your network is spread out over several different locations, like with the at-home office, the threat surface increases. Today, we want to cover three ways you can take the bite out of remote work security and make it more effective for all involved.

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Improve Your File Sharing for Better Collaboration

Improve Your File Sharing for Better Collaboration

Collaboration is super important for all kinds of businesses today, especially because so much work is done online. With so many people working from home, it's clear that businesses need a safe way to work together successfully.

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A Professional IT Help Desk is as Helpful as It Sounds

A Professional IT Help Desk is as Helpful as It Sounds

Picture this: you or a team member encounters a technology issue in the middle of the workday. Simple, you might think… just call your in-house IT department. However, the members of your IT team are visibly overworked, scurrying around the office, trying to get some of the tasks off their to-do lists. They’re visibly running out of time, patience, or, most likely, both. It isn’t a good time to bother someone for help; that’s obvious, but what option is there?

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Cloud Platforms Can Bring Unwanted Complexity

Cloud Platforms Can Bring Unwanted Complexity

Cloud computing has become a really useful tool for businesses, allowing them to grow, be more flexible, and save money. But even with all its benefits, businesses face some challenges when using cloud services. One big issue is keeping data safe and private.

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Four Security Precautions that Will Leave Your Business Safer

Four Security Precautions that Will Leave Your Business Safer

Over a quarter of all data breaches target small businesses, and the cost of a breach can be devastating. To protect your business’ data and infrastructure, small businesses need a combination of effective technology tools and well-planned strategies. Here are some key steps your business can take to safeguard itself against digital theft.

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Your Human Resources Department Needs IT, Too

Your Human Resources Department Needs IT, Too

Human resources is not an easy game, as I’m sure your HR representatives would be happy to tell you if asked. Therefore, it is important that they have the tools needed for success today.

By this, we mean information technology that supports the everyday responsibilities and processes that an HR department is charged with completing. Let’s discuss some tools that you should incorporate into your processes.

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Your Organization’s Security is Non-Negotiable

Your Organization’s Security is Non-Negotiable

There’s no question that modern businesses—-businesses just like yours—-cannot and should not function without cybersecurity protections. We will shout this from the mountaintops at every opportunity… so let’s go over why security is so important and what needs to be done to ensure yours.

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Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Common knowledge states that the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that you should put as much funding as possible into your most essential resources—such as your IT.

This, however, can be a hard sell to yourself or anyone invested in your company… partners and staff included. 

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Getting the Most Out of a Remote Workforce

Getting the Most Out of a Remote Workforce

The work landscape has changed quite a bit in a short period of time. Nearly 13% of American workers work from home full-time, while over 27% more work remotely part-time. With nearly two-fifths of workers working from home at least part-time, understanding what technology is behind this new normal and how to meet your business needs is critical. 

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How Can a Four-Day Workweek Really Benefit Businesses?

How Can a Four-Day Workweek Really Benefit Businesses?

The four-day workweek is gaining traction among small businesses. It promises improved efficiency and increased employee satisfaction... but how can technology enhance this model? How can it help businesses reap the full benefits of a shorter workweek?

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How Business Management Styles Influence Your Operations

How Business Management Styles Influence Your Operations

No two leaders will have the exact same approach to the considerable task at hand, but it can be remarkably helpful to see what others do so you can make better decisions regarding your own management style. Let’s take a look at some specific leadership styles and whether they work well (or don’t).

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A Simple Solution to Keep Your Remote Workers Engaged

A Simple Solution to Keep Your Remote Workers Engaged

A trained and engaged workforce is going to put you well ahead of the majority of your competition, and technology goes a long way toward making this goal a reality. With the right technology in place, your business and its employees can be productive and engaged even while working remotely. It all starts with increasing access to tools while building a company culture that can withstand the pressures of remote work.

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Proactive IT vs Reactive IT

Proactive IT vs Reactive IT

You might hear us discuss the benefits of “proactive IT maintenance” all the time, but what does the word “proactive” really mean for technology management? Today, we want to demystify some of the jargon surrounding proactive IT and show you just how great of a value proposition it really is.

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Even the North Pole Has to Rely on Password Management Tools

Even the North Pole Has to Rely on Password Management Tools

We work with quite a few businesses, but one is a lot more remote than the rest of them. We wanted to share a story that one of our more discreet client organizations told us after we helped them resolve a particular challenge. Don’t worry, we asked, and sharing this won’t land us on the naughty list.

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300 Kerby Hill Rd
Fort Washington, Maryland 20744