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C3-Solutions, LLC Blog

C3-Solutions, LLC has been serving the Fort Washington area since 2015, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Soon Do You Need to Upgrade Your Technology?

How Soon Do You Need to Upgrade Your Technology?

We live in an era of constant upgrades. How often do you upgrade your smartphone? Do you give the same attention to your business’ technology? Many users ignore clear signs that it’s time for an upgrade, telling themselves, “I’ll manage just fine.” This mindset can be a problem. Knowing when old devices are slowing you down and upgrading to newer, stronger ones is very important.

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Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Your Allocated Budget for IT Should Probably Be Bigger

Common knowledge states that the more you put into something, the more you get out of it. Therefore, it stands to reason that you should put as much funding as possible into your most essential resources—such as your IT.

This, however, can be a hard sell to yourself or anyone invested in your company… partners and staff included. 

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Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Use Google Sheets for Easier Table Management

Everyone should soon have access to a very handy feature in Google Sheets that helps close the gap between Sheets and its rival software, Microsoft Excel.

This feature? Simple table conversions, complete with advanced organization features.

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300 Kerby Hill Rd
Fort Washington, Maryland 20744